LEARICAL™ is the physical embodiment of all things real to true Lyricists. He’s an emcee on the mic but also writes for and is inspired by rock, hiphop, poetry, and whatever else fuels the creative vibe. Originally engulfed by the tech world and always striving to please everyone else, LEARICAL battled with anxiety and depression trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his Life. As his thoughts began to consume him he took to the pen and pad and started crafting his outward view of the world into written passages, spoken word pieces, and the intricate verses you hear today. He harnesses the power of such deep emotions to create Layers upon Layers of connections with his audience, both on the surface and with those who yearn to know more behind the story ( huge advocate

LEARICAL is also a director, producer, and editor in the video community, showcasing his own works along with other artists, such as childhood friend and righthand man in the music scene Josh Davidson (both lead members ofNOISY BOYSand cofounders of NOISY BOYS Studios™ where they released groundbreaking singles such asSlave To The SystemandShot Girls). Ultimately, there's nothing holding him back from Living the Life he wishes to Live in hopes that his friends, fans, and family will also take a moment to appreciate this thing called… LIFE.



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